Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May Day..........May Day!!......May1, 2017........All treatment starts........

It's 1:34 a.m. Tuesday May 2nd 2017...........@ the Mik Household.......Got Chemo pumping through my veins.......Listening to this song and sipping on some Tiesta Tea...........Good stuff Maynard!!.......Awesome Polish Prog-Rock Band.............Riverside......

 Ok,time to re-cap 
Mondays events.........

Here we go.........7:00 a.m. arrival, Radiology PIIC Line Insertion.........Went fine.......Time to burn
before seeing Onc/Hemo and start of Chemo....
Took opportunity to go to get a good breakfast in both of us, going to be a long day. Found a place 
we were looking for.........Loaded parking lot, great people, Big Plate Good Food!!
Yep!........A soon to be "Everybody knows your name stop!!"

Onward we go.......... As we digest.....LOL...........Cancer Care Center.......Bam!!.......We're Here!!

No time wasted here, the cogs were rolling quickly........Saw Nurse #1......Nurse#2, Oncologist, talked
set the plan and off we were to the Chemo Lounge..........Met the gang, got fed information, hooked up to my Chemo Dance pole and started fluids, then meds......

I was not in the mood for sitting so I got up and did the Chemo dance in and around the Lounge, meeting and visiting others and...........Believe it or not, fell into a conversation about fried Beef Liver, which turned into quite a group session..........This is what I do, play the Room and let them play me. One  woman talked about making Blood Sausage when younger which led to talk of Head Cheese and Kiszka, Pork tongue,snouts and Yachtwurst............OH! MY...........It was like a Sausage chat room!!

As people came and went, a gentleman talked of his days working Carnivals.........So it began, I mentioned my favorite ride as a child......Scrammbler!!.........The others responded quickly.........Tilt-a-Whirl........Rock o Plane, Octopus, Ski- Jump, Round-a-Bout, and on it went.........What a HOOT!!.

As Chemo was finishing up, Julie had a Doctors Appt. to go to and I was swept away to Radiology for my First Blast of Voltron Voodoo..........Got postioned on table, Superhero Mask snapped on, all body parts positioned properly and Vroom...........Into the Machine...........Welcome! To the Machine........

A scan was taken. then a break while laying there.....The techs ask how you are doing, there are issues sometimes with feeling entrapped, the mask is awfully tight. I for some reason decided, I could not swallow and or breathe, so I thought, deep breathes slow and low, just like smoking/cooking a Big Hunk your favorite cut of meat..............Hey! Hey! Hey!!!...........5 minutes of Zapping, all went well.........See you tomorrow Zoltron!!

Onward we go..........It's always onward, no looking back..........Leave it there, it's done..........More to always come.........Just take it, shake it and throw it away...........Back in the Lounge we are......Julie was waiting along with my take home pump and meds to keep the River of Chemo flowing thru my veins.
Feeling at peace on the way home, stopped for more meds at the Abbotsford Shop-Ko Pharmacy..........Hey you Guy and Gals...........We appreciate all you do..........Thanks!!

Homeward bound..........Whew!! What a day...........Both of us are beat, yet pumped up......Especially me!!........It's a joke son!!.............We're glad it is in motion.......6-7 weeks to go and go it will quickly, life just kicked it up another notch...........It is now 2:47 a.m................Time to go lay down and get some Mind and Body rest.............Putting the ear buds in and Off to Never...never land!!

Here we go.............For all you Old Headbangers out there...............Peace, Love, Strength and Understanding...................SeeYa!!.......................

How's that for a Post??

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May Day..........May Day!!......May1, 2017........All treatment starts........

It's 1:34 a.m. Tuesday May 2nd 2017........... @ the Mik Household.......Got Chemo pumping through my veins.......Listening to this so...