Friday, April 28, 2017

Is anybody out there????

Headed toward May Day............Start to another new Chapter in the Life and Times of Cancer and how to deal with it!!

Things are moving way to fast for myself.........I was alot younger, last visit to Cancer Land......

Last visit, I had no idea what was going on, this time I do.......Everything is so much more out there and I have more time to look into it all..........I am already knowing I am in for a fight that really concerns me.........I know what it does to all those who care and love me............How much it takes from them..........I'm the one being cured, hopefully..........Yet it's the ones you love the most that get hurt the most, in most cases........

Anyhoo!!..........May 1 is the day..........7:00 a.m. arrival.....8:00 a.m. Pic Line put in..........Chemo 2-3 hours.......Radiation then whatever else is going on, going to be a long day......

If your'e out there, enjoy and learn first handed..............We tell it like it is here!!

Peace, love, Strength and Understanding..........

I have to add this on..............One from my wifes blog............Enjoy!!

FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2017

The Things I do for my Husband!

Today, Greg went to see the surgeon who installed his PEG tube (a/k/a Dr. McDreamy).   He had still been having problems with the feeding tube oozing and of course, pain.  The pain is getting better, but not the oozing.  I've had to change the gauze around it a couple times a day and of course flush it at least once a day, usually more. 

Well, Greg has been feeling VERY bloated and his stomach has been somewhat distended, so he talked to McDreamy about that, too.  Welllllllll, it turns out that he's taking in a lot of air when he eats, because of the way he has to eat now.  Soooooooo, at least once a day (usually before bed), he has to lay flat on his back, while I hold the tube up in the air to let the fluid drain into his stomach, and then I have to open it to BURP HIM!  Yes, I have to BURP HIM THROUGH HIS FEEDING TUBE!  That just totally cracks me up!   And don't worry, if it ends up being something really cool, like you can hear the gas escaping, we'll be sure to videotape it for your viewing pleasure!!!  

It's a good thing we can both laugh about this.  I mean, let's face it, if we don't laugh, we'll cry.  Oh, yes, the things I do for my husband!  

Hope you laughed, or at least smiled reading this!  

Blessings to all!  


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May Day..........May Day!!......May1, 2017........All treatment starts........

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