Saturday, March 25, 2017

Hospital Photos

Hi Folks!  Here I am with a  bag of chemo and of course, that all important saline to keep the kidneys functioning! This photo taken on 4/7/00.  Not much nausea, etc. at this early stage, the best is yet to come!  

Here's a view out my hospital window on the eighth floor of Children's Hospital of Wisconsin -- that's right, Children's -- Froedtert took over a wing for the BMT unit.  Believe it or not, but this photo was taken on 4/7/00 -- yup, that's SNOW on the rooftops!  Had a slight blizzard here in April!  The day before it was 62 degrees -- only in Wisconsin could that happen!  Ended up with a 1-1/2 hour power outage at home (not at the hospital, though), and about 5 inches of snow!  

Here we have Nurse Wendy adding some Cytoxin to my IV.  Just what I always wanted!  Thank's Wendy! 

On Sunday, April 16, 2000, Greg's friend from work, Bill, brought his wife, Luanne, to visit Greg.  Luanne made up this fantastic "Candy Gram" to hang in Greg's room.  As soon as he's feeling better, and the mouth sores are gone, he'll be ripping that candy off of there to munch on!  Let's hope that happens soon!!!!

This photo, taken on April 20, 2000, is of Greg with one of his doctors, Dr. Akasheh, and Nurse Becky.  Greg had just gotten out of the shower, and we had just finished changing the dressing on his line when Dr. Akasheh came in.  We wanted to be sure to get a couple of photos with the doctors, and this was the perfect opportunity.  Greg's hair is finally starting to fall out, so I brought the clippers and shaved his head before his shower.  He still has a little bit of his mustache left, but that probably won't last long.  Greg's mouth sores have been pretty bad, so his face is somewhat swollen, and it is difficult for him to keep his mouth closed because his tongue is also swollen.  That is why he looks kind of funky.  Also, he has been on some pretty heavy doses of morphine, so that also accounts for the strange look.  Not having his glasses on at the time doesn't help.  I have to say, these doctors and nurses are really the best.  They have done an excellent job taking care of Greg.  Their dedication is what makes difficult procedures such as this bearable.  

Greg is having the NG (nasal gastic) tube removed here by Nurse Tricia.  Not a pretty site, to be sure, but hey, better having it come OUT than having it put IN!  

Here's Nurse Julie checking on those icky mouth sores!  Almost gone!!!  Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4/29/00 -- Holy Cow!!!  Greg can come home for a visit!  Here he is all set to go!  

Greg and Nurse Tricia.  Unfortunately, Froedtert is losing Nurse Trish!  She's off to work for a plastic surgeon with more regular hours.  Oh, No!  We're glad we were here while she was! Trish was wonderful and very patient with us.  Thanks, Tricia, for all your help and support!   

Last, but by no means least, in the hospital photo gallery, is Nurse Marie with Greg.  This photo was taken on May 1, 2000, Greg's release date.  Greg was released on Day + 19!!!!  Marie was an excellent nurse, as were ALL the nurses in the BMT unit.  Marie was one of the nurses who saw Greg through the worst part of his BMT.  She was the one that had to insert the NG tube (lucky you, Marie), and had to deal with Greg quite a bit during his morphine-induced hallucinations and endless "clicking."  She is also the one whom I probably pestered the most with my endless frantic questions!  Thanks for putting up with me, Marie!  Your patience and understanding really helped ME through this incredible procedure!  Marie was the nurse who admitted Greg to the BMT unit, so it was quite fitting that she was also the last nurse to care for Greg. 

I cannot thank the doctors, nurses and staff enough for their excellent care for Greg (and me) during his stay at Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital!  At this point, I am quite tongue-tied (and for those who don't know me, that is quite a feat, as I am RARELY at a loss for words!)  All I can give you is a heartfelt THANK YOU for putting up with me and taking such wonderful care of Greg!  May God bless you all and keep you in the palm of his hand!  You are truly earth angels!  

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May Day..........May Day!!......May1, 2017........All treatment starts........

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